With Ramadan under way, and Lent right around the corner, fasting season is upon us. Millions of people around the globe will be participating in some way by fasting or temporarily changing their habits.
During Ramadan, Muslims fast from food and water from sunrise to sunset. This means they eat ve...
Summer isn't over yet! You can continue to enjoy the benefits of eating seasonal produce by making this easy recipe full of fresh corn, tomatoes, and zucchini.
Eating in season is not just a nutritious, delicious decision, it also helps reduce your carbon footprint and can be more cost-effective! ...
The sun was barely rising as I made my way through the typical LA traffic and got to Anaheim – sadly, it was not a Disney Day.
I passed by all the families in their Mickey gear heading to the happiest place on earth, and made my way to the Anaheim convention center for the Natural Products Expo, AK...
It was a seemingly normal day.
I walked into a local coffee shop, my dog Lucy swaying before me.
When I arrived, there were two people ahead of me in line. The employee read their order back and I overheard that the man ordered oat milk in his coffee (I smiled on the inside).
The woman abruptly c...