
How Coach Tenny Can Help You

Vegan 101

Learn everything you need to know to start a vegan lifestyle or follow a plant-based diet.

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Coaching Sessions

Prefer to work with a coach one-on-one? Sign up for a virtual coaching session.

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Business ConsultingĀ 

Get one-on-one coaching to help your business thrive on plants!

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COMING SOON -Get Groceries with a Guide!

Overwhelmed by all the options in the grocery store? Not sure what items are vegan-friendly? Shop confidently by learning all my tips and tricks.

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Speaking Engagements & Training

Interested in a presentation for your team? Contact me for a customized plan:Ā [email protected]

Get the Vegan Vibes E-book!

Learn how to navigate social gatherings as a vegan or plant-based eater!

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Get My Children's Book Here!

Lucy is my companion animal and emotional support animal. We go on many great adventures! Our latest is a trip to an animal sanctuary. Click below to get your copy of the book and follow along on our journey.

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